Vampire - The Masquerade 5ed - Boston by Night.pdf
172343 KB
Boston by Night
A sourcebook for
Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong
and the
Vampire: The Masquerade TTRPG.
Matthew Dawkins
What is Vampire:
The Masquerade?
There are monsters out there.
Real monsters. Ours is a World
of Darkness, and behind closed
doors and the sounds of muffled
screams, staring you right in
the eyes over an office desk,
over drinks at an exclusive bar,
or over the body of the person
they just drained of blood,
you’ll find real monsters.
In Vampire: The Masquerade,
you play one of these monsters.
As a vampire — known as
Kindred to others of your kind
— you hide yourself among
mortals, wearing your family,
your friends, your job, your
social status like a false skin to
disguise what you truly are:
a blood-drinking predator.
You might fool yourself into
believing you’re moral by
feeding only from lovers or
criminals. You might try to
form real attachments with
the mortals in your unlife. You
might even masquerade as a
caring partner with a night shift
and an odd dietary disorder…
But the truth is, you’ll never go
out in daytime, you’ll never eat
another solid meal, you’ll never
produce living offspring, you’ll
never age, and you’ll always
need blood.
And so, you, as a vampire,
must find your own company.
Some come together as
coteries — groups of vampires
who share common interest,
territory, feeding habits, or
mutual enemies. Others align
for sectarian, political, or
philosophical reasons, forging
alliances with vampires of
similar persuasion, and making
enemies of those on the other
side of the line. Meanwhile,
some Kindred organize by
clan — their family of Blood
— the sire who drained them
and made them into an undead
monster, the childer they create
in turn, their brothers, sisters,
and distant kin connected via
invisible strings of vitae, the
Blood stagnant but potent in
their veins.
Whether you try to hide among
the living or climb the slick
ladder of Kindred hierarchy,
or focus on your development
of vampiric gifts — your
Disciplines — and become the
monster you know yourself to
be, the decision is between you
and the Beast within you.
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