Apocthulhu - Scenario Resource Pack - A Small Price.pdf

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Scenario Resource Pack
A Small Price
The contents of this
Scenario Resource Pack are copyright © 2021 by Cthulhu Reborn Publishing,
but released under a Creative Commons Share-Alike License which permits unlimited sharing and copying of
All text is by
Dave Sokolowski;
graphics, character sheet designs, and cartography are by
Dean Engelhardt.
Original illustrations are by
Anna Helena Szymborska.
The following named individuals might be encountered by Survivors in Aberdeen.
Who’s Who in Aberdeen
page 16
Soldier dispatched outside on Shadow-catching duties.
page 26
Former radio technician, burned out in the barracks.
page 22
Heathcote’s deputy and right-hand-man.
page 40
Not in Aberdeen bunker, but former program associate of Heathcote
page 16
Soldier dispatched outside on Shadow-catching duties
page 3
Anderson, Zack
Barrows, Angela
Bryant, Kirk
Corrigan, Gen Alicia
Geyr, Dave
Heathcote, Lydia
Kerns, Geoffrey
Long, Eddie
Lopez, Devonn
McAllister, Stephen
Martinez, Jose
Morgan, Ira
Nassif, Kieron
Robinson, Rebecca
Smith, Chad
Trumbell, Alicia
Washington, Roger
West, Charlotte
Yee, Dr. Celia
“The Professor”. Scientific genius and head of Aberdeen. Here
since the beginning.
page 26
Opportunistic night-shift staffer of the Ops Center.
page 23
Head of the kitchens.
page 24
Head of the gardens.
page 26
Former radio technician, now in the hospital.
page 39
One of Washington’s lab assistants.
page 18
Part of Heathcote’s security retinue.
page 31
Tech guy and mathematical genius.
page 44
One of Washington’s lab assistants. Hasn’t been seen for a while.
page 18
Part of Heathcote’s security retinue.
page 41
One of Washington’s lab assistants.
page 3
Senior scientist, Beacon inventor, would-be leader. Here since the
page 22
Cheery Ops Center monitor and door warden.
page 28 Army medic; runs hospital. Here since the beginning.
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