cha2729_-_pendragon_starter_set_-_book_2_rules [2023-06-13].pdf

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Pendragon 6th Edition Rules & Setting
Book II:
The Fabled Realm
Greg Stafford
Pendragon Starter Set Book II: Rules
Greg Stafford
David Larkins, Veli-Matti
Pelkonen, and David Zeeman
Jeff Richard and Rick Meints
Pendragon Line Editor:
David Larkins
Design & Layout:
Simeon Cogswell
Copyediting & Proofreading:
Roberto Mandrioli,
David Zeeman, and Keith Mageau
Daria Pilarczyk
Cover Artist:
Andrey Fetisov
Interior Artists:
Andrey Fetisov, Lisa Free, Eric Hotz,
Eleonor Piteira, Mark Smylie, Austin Winstead
Francesca Baerald, Matt Ryan
Heraldic Artist:
Katrin Dirim
Border Designs, Marginalia, & Graphic Elements:
Simeon Cogswell, Kalin Kadiev, & Ash Stellmach
This book is set in IM FELL, Herb,
Gothicus, & Garamond Premier Pro from Adobe
Fonts. Sidebar and other headers are set in Basteleur
designed by Keussel for Velvetyne Type Foundry.
Comments and Input to this Edition:
Ellie Akers,
Cedric Alesandre, Jeff Erwin, Scott Hall, Matthijs
Krijger, Sven Lugar, Kurt Over, Robert G. Schroeder,
Nick Tolimieri, Gintaras Valiulis, Malcolm Wolter
Original Material by:
David Larkins and Roderick Robertson
(Battles), Gintaras Valiulis, David Zeeman, and David
Larkins (Brawling), Ellie Akers (Horses), Malcolm Wolter
(Intoxication), Matthijs Krijger (Becoming Mad, Tournaments)
Playtesters for this Edition:
Aaron Gorfein, Adam Hubbard,
Alex Drusts, Alexander Bjursell, Alexander Marcus, Alisha
Hammer, Anne Valentino, Brian Hammer, Brian Leonard,
Camden Jansen, Cedric Alexandre, Charles Espinoza, Craig
Kellner, David Schimpff, David Zeeman, Desiree Valdez,
Fergie, Jacob Hilker, Jade McLellan, Joseph Quesnel, Kalin
Kadiev, Kenny Stewart, Nathan Isaak, Rainy McDonald,
Ryan Vodden, Santiago McDonald, Scott Akers, Sean
Musgrave, Søren Hjorth, Steve Fontaine, Suzanne Stafford,
Sven Lugar, Tim Leonard, Tom Salas, Vivienne Zimmerman,
Wayne Coburn, Zechariah W. Cline, Zev Trubowitch
Pendragon Starter Set
© 2023 Moon Design Publications. All rights reserved.
Chaosium Inc. and the Chaosium logo are registered trademarks of Chaosium Inc.
Pendragon is a registered trademark of Moon Design Publications.
© 1985–2023 Moon Design Publications. All rights reserved.
Names, characters, places, and incidents featured in this work are the result of an author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events, institutions, or locales, without satiric intent, is coincidental.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Reproduction of this work by any means
without written permission of Moon Design Publications and Chaosium Inc., except for the use of short excerpts for the
purpose of reviews and the copying of character sheets and handouts for in-game use, is expressly prohibited.
ISBN: 978-1-56882-574-8
1 Another World
Another Time
.................................. 2
This is Another World. .......................... 2
Customs of the Realm ...........................4
For Players & Gamemasters
The Oath of Chivalry
Knights ..................................................... 5
2 The Game System
....................... 8
Concepts................................................... 8
Characteristics .......................................13
The Glory Roll ....................................... 14
Movement .............................................. 14
Squires .................................................... 14
3 Traits & Passions
Traits ........................................................15
Passions ...................................................18
Unbridled Passions
............................. 22
4 Skills
............................................... 25
Skill Roll Results................................... 25
Glory for Skills ...................................... 25
Skill Groups ...........................................26
Skills Defined ........................................26
5 Honor & Glory
Honor .....................................................29
Glory ........................................................31
6 Combat
........................................... 32
Combat & Roleplaying ........................ 32
The Combat Round ..............................34
Melee Distances .................................... 36
Missile Distances .................................. 36
Combat Actions .................................... 36
Squire Skill Roll
................................... 37
Charge Opportunities
........................ 40
Combat Modifiers ................................43
Multiple Opponents .............................43
Mounted Combat .................................43
Missile Weapons ...................................43
7 Arms & Armor
Melee Weapons .....................................45
Parry Protection
................................. 46
Brawling .................................................47
Missile Weapons ...................................47
Armor ......................................................49
“Chain Mail”
Shields..................................................... 52
8 Horses
Types of Horses ......................................53
Horse Type Tables .................................55
Horse Armor ..........................................55
9 Injury & Death
......................... 56
States of Health..................................... 56
Hunwulf Takes a Major Wound
....... 57
Healing & Recovery.............................60
10 Wealth & Treasure
............ 61
Coinage & Value ................................... 61
Sources of Treasure .............................. 63
How to Use Your Wealth .................... 63
11 The Winter Phase
................ 64
Procedure .............................................. 64
Unopposed Passion Roll Results...19
Combat Action Resolution Results ..34
Mounted Lance Charge Fumble.. 39
Follow-up Actions ..........................41
Closing Distance .......................... 44
Melee & Brawling Weapons .........48
Missile & Thrown Weapons ........48
Helms ................................................51
Armor .............................................. 52
Shields............................................... 52
Combat Horses ...............................54
Riding Horses .................................54
Work Horses ...................................54
Horse Armor ...................................55
Characteristic Lost......................... 58
Falling Damage .............................. 59
Activity & Aggravation ................60
hapter 1
endragon is a dis-
tinctive roleplay-
ing game.
The rules are
focused and f it
into a simple sys-
tem designed to
promote a singu-
lar gaming experi-
ence. The setting
may seem strange at first, but you only need to
know the rules of knighthood, and you will be
as knowledgeable as the heroes of old.
Another World
Another Time
the characters move. Initially, the Gamemas-
ter’s characters are merciless and brutal. Play-
er-knights may choose to remain in that unen-
lightened realm of history—this kind of behavior
does not penalize them, but neither rewards them.
But they also have a choice to join the fight to
improve the world. Their actions can stand as
shining lights of exceptional behavior, breaking
the old ways, and preparing for a better realm.
The story of King Arthur is about the strug-
gle to improve life. With his faithful knights,
he manifests the dream of a better world.
The game dramatizes this heroic effort in its
play. Great rewards go to those who strive to
improve the kingdom.
King Arthur changes the world, slowly to be
sure, but in general for the better. Bloodthirsty
warlords, selfish sorcerers, and even the environ-
ment itself in the form of enchanted woods and
forbidden wastelands, all conspire against these
changes. The Player-knights are an important
part of the struggle for the betterment of Britain.
The medieval Britain of history, inherent in
the old literature, was a dismal, violent, and
cruel place, with outdated standards of behavior.
Setting the game in this world was a deliberate
choice, for alongside the dark overtones comes
hope for a brighter tomorrow.
In the campaign, the Gamemaster paints a
harsh background as the reality within which
This is Another World.
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