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The rules that
follow will show you
how the models and
Warbands interact
with each other and
the environment. These
chapters will teach you
how to activate your
Warbands, how to move
them as well as how to
engage in combat with
The force you bring to the Battlefield is chosen
using an Army list. To help ensure you’re
playing a fair and balanced game, these Army
lists are chosen to equal points values.
Each Stand in a game of Conquest has a points
value, representing its overall worth on the
Battlefield. Stands with higher points values
are generally better or more flexible fighters,
while those with lower points values are
less effective, or are useful in a narrow set of
circumstances. Your Army’s points value is
equal to the total points values of every Stand
in your Army, plus those of any upgrades you’ve
purchased for those Stands. The higher the
points value, the more lethal the Army you’ve
selected. By choosing Armies to equal points
values, you and your opponent can ensure a
fair, challenging battle.
Each Character Stand in your Army (includ-
ing the Warlord) must be accompanied by a
Warband of Regiments. You’ll normally have
a choice of Regiments to choose from, but
you must always include a Regiment of the
same type – i.e Infantry, Cavalry or Brute – as
your Character Stand to ensure that they have
a Regiment to join at the start of the battle.
E a c h R e g i m e nt i s d raw n f ro m t h e
Regiments section of the Army List. It will
also, depending on the Character Stand
it is chosen for, count as a Mainstay or a
Restricted choice. Each Character Stand's
Warband has a Regiment allowance of 4
Regiments. A Warband can include as many
Mainstay choices as your Warband allowance
allows. Restricted choices are more limited,
as the name suggests. Each Warband can
only include two Restricted choices from all
the options presented. This can be two of the
same Regiment, or two different Regiments
from the list. As a further restriction, you
must include one Mainstay choice for each
Restricted choice in your Army. Therefore, a
Warband that includes two Restricted choices
will always have at least two Mainstay choices
too. Note that a Regiment might be a Mainstay
choice for one Character type, and a Restricted
choice for another – check the Character’s
Army List entry to be sure.
By default, we recommend battles of 2,000
points – this generally gives enough slaughter
for an evening’s gaming. However, there’s
nothing to stop you from choosing a larger or
smaller size for your confrontation. Indeed,
smaller games of 1,000 points are an excellent
way to learn the rules.
An Army consists of two types of entities:
Character Stands and Regiments. You may
include any number of either in your Army,
subject to the following rules:
You must include one Character Stand to be
your Warlord – your avatar on the Battlefield.
Many Character Stands and Regiments have
additional options that can be purchased for
them, such as Abilities, Command Models, or
even extra Stands (in the case of Regiments).
If you purchase any of these upgrades, simply
add the points cost to that of the Character
Stand or Regiment for which the upgrade
was purchased.
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