Traveller5 - Xboat - No. 5 [v2][OEF][2022-08-26].pdf

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A Traveller
No. 5
In This Issue:
• Concerned Brother (Search and Rescue)
• LeafMaker
• Index to Xboat Articles
Starship Operations Manual
(1902 Edition)
Naasirka ShipCrew Guide no. 147
“Hey, what’s wrong with turret number one?”
“Never mind that; Eneri’s locked out of the ship!”
“Never mind
The bridge isn’t responding!”
An operations guide to every section of the Beowulf-class Free
Trader, followed by a sandbox adventure through a subsector
of the Wilds in the Spinward Marches in 1902.
Coming in 2023 to DriveThruRPG
August 2022
No. 5
Ship’s Vehicle: Heavy Tracked ATV
For the serious explorer.
Amber Zone: Concerned Brother
Chad Russell cooks up a short adventure.
Hangar 12: Small Space Stations
An example, and design guidance.
Crew Transfer Boat
A small craft for small space stations.
A non-metazoan creature creator.
Hangar 12: The Xboat’s Jump Drive
The ship, not the ‘zine. A variant.
How Xboat was Produced
In case I forget.
Index of Articles for Xboat 1-5 + SS1.
Because it had to be done.
Front Cover
Ian Stead
Featured Author
Chad Russell
Tim Osborne
Marc Miller
Artist / Advisor
Robert Pearce
Editor at Large
Matthew Kerwin
Writer / Editor
Robert Eaglestone
Back Cover
Shane Watson
Welcome the aprocryphal issue No. 5 of Xboat!
Here’s how it happened. Preparing for Xboat meant gathering up
material, and deciding what goes where. So naturally I have some of this
content left over... hate to have all that goodness go to waste.
Second, I realized that it would be really nice to have an article index,
and frankly there’s no room in the other issues.
Third, the printing and mailing process is slow. Fulfillment requires
content tweaking for the printers, and lots of mailing envelopes and
postage... I’m not complaining (no really!), but I am noting the energy
levels required to get an issue mailed out is significant. On the other hand,
creating a PDF, especially when the content already exists, isn’t so bad.
What’s Next? Next are some targeted products. Xboat takes a scatter-
shot approach: something for everyone. Its purpose is to inspire and
encourage you to play Traveller. To show you what Traveller has to offer.
I think it fulfills that purpose. But in order to go deeper into Traveller, you
need supplements with depth, and there’s two directions for this.
First, S.C. Watson Art is presenting a whole lot of new aliens -- plus
another look at existing ones -- to a depth impossible for an issue of Xboat.
I’m helping with the content, and the artwork is the best I’ve seen for any
Traveller product. See the back cover for the ad.
Second, ever since Starship Operator’s Manual went out-of-print,
we’ve needed a fresh take on starship operations. So I’m writing one
supplement that contains a free trader walkthrough, an operations guide,
and a wilderness adventure. See the inside front cover for the teaser.
The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977
– 2022 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future
Enterprises. Far Future Enterprises permits web sites and fanzines for this game,
provided it contains this notice, that Far Future Enterprises is notified, and subject to
a withdrawal of permission on 90 days’ notice. The contents of this fanzine are for
personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’ copyrighted
material or trademarks anywhere on this fanzine should not be viewed as a challenge
to those copyrights or trademarks.
Ship’s Vehicle: Tracked ATV
The Tracked All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) is used for exploration on a
planetary surface. Smaller ATVs are often carried in the cargo holds of
starships. This version, however, is more often seen for lease by outfitters
in Startown on worlds with a significant amount of wilderness. The vehicle
is sealed, insulated, and armored. It is capable of safely carrying people
across a variety of world surfaces. It has 40 person-months of life support,
and has cramped living facilities for up to twelve passengers. It masses 16
tons and costs KCr 200.
The vehicle has a range of 5,000 km before needing to be refueled. It
can circle in 20 meters, and can rotate on its tracks to reverse direction. It
is capable of 60 kph on good roads, although it is not usually allowed on
city streets. It can do 30 kph on clear terrain, and 15 kph or worse under
adverse conditions. It can drive through water completely submerged at 5
kph. It cannot traverse vertical cliffs or unstable ground.
There are three access points into the vehicle: a one-person airlock
door on the side, a cargo lock on the back, and an emergency ventral
access panel.
Tracked All-Terrain Vehicle. 16 tons, Ar 20 , TL 11, KCr 200.
Speed 4 (30 kph). 12 seats. Orbital-ranged comm. Ballistic tracker.
10 meters long x 5 meters wide x 5 meters tall.
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