Trophy - Treasured Guests of the Fae & Throne of the Forest Queen.pdf

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Treasured Gue s of t Fae
New occupations, backgrounds, drives and rituals.
rone of t Fore Queen
A fairy tale-inspired incursion
without a happily-ever-a er.
Treasured Gue s
of t Fae
e following are new options for treasure-hunters for use with the Incursion
rone of the Forest Queen,
or any other session of Trophy.
(skilled in expression, observation, symbols)
(skilled in innocence, wonder, smallness)
(skilled in beasts, climbing, alertness)
(skilled in charm, innocence, curiosity)
(skilled in deception, escaping, legerdemain)
Byronic Hero
(skilled in brooding )
Frightened Runaway
(skilled in escaping )
Lured Innocent
(skilled in following )
Stouthearted uester
(skilled in determination)
Seek a cure for your ailing mother in Muckling
Escape your awful family ties in Deverain
Break the geas placed by the Witch of Nevask
(appear more charming and attractive)
(maintain peace while you share food & drink)
(send a message via a woodlands creature)
(send a person or animal into a deep slumber)
rone of t
Fore Queen
Content warning: is incursion explores themes including hunting and body
image issues, and may feature sexual content.
e constant drizzle that has accompanied you through the tangled woods
abates as you come into a clearing, golden sunlight streaming down. e stink
of mud and leaf mold is cut through with a cleaner scent of pine and crisp
mornings. A stag at the edge of the clearing casts a lazy glance at you before
trotting further into the wood, its ashing tail an invitation to follow. You
have reached the ueensweald, rumored home to salvation, inspiration, cures
to fantastical diseases, and the stu that dreams are made of. Only the stout of
heart enter the realm of the Forest ueen; fewer still return.
Why then, if her favor is so hard to claim, do so many mortals seek it? uite
simply, it has value beyond gold. e ueen’s power is nearly limitless. She
controls the fae court of the forest, and can make the dreams of mortals into
reality if she so chooses. For so long as people desire the impossible, they will
venture in search of her.
A ring of mushrooms in improbably lush grass, a sweet scent in the air, and
the lazy drone of ies.
e moon hangs low in the sky; twisted shadows grasp for you as wolves
howl in the distance.
A perfectly ripe green apple with red blush drops to the oor, a single bite
taken out of it.
A light sunshower breaks out, the so rain pleasant against your skin,
a rainbow forming ahead.
Wind gently whispering through reeds, fog rising from the marsh, odd
lights moving in the distance.
Warm, dry ngers in the small of your back, the scent of pine, a loving
undering waters drowning out speech, cool spray in your face,
treacherous rocks below.
Flower petals brushing your lips, the sun warming your hair, the throb
of desire.
e rush of wind past your ears, claws sinking into esh, thick copper
blood on your tongue.
A pretty cottage in the woods—currently empty—but warm, welcoming,
and su used with the scent of fresh baked bread.
You are trans xed by the sheer beauty of life.
Little antler nubbins start growing from your forehead.
Benign forest creatures ock to you, clumsily assisting with basic tasks and
following you everywhere.
Food from outside the forest tastes like bitter ashes, and water is brackish.
Your clothes grow itchy; you long to tear them o and bare yourself to the
Your senses sharpen, scenting prey, and you long to chase and hunt and
Flowers appear in your hair and cannot be removed; if you cut them out,
you bleed and they regrow.
Slowly but surely your features are becoming someone’s ideal of beauty.
What aws are corrected?
You realize a memory you once held precious is trivial. Forget it.
For just a moment, you cannot think how many days have passed, or when
last you slept.
Something about one of your companions appearance repulses you. What
is it?
e touch of iron on your skin burns. You discard any iron on your person,
and will not willingly acquire more.
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