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Digital Painting
Corel Painter 12
Rhoda Grossman Draws
Course Technology PTR
A part of Cengage Learning
Australia, Brazil, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States
Digital Painting Fundamentals
with Corel
Painter™ 12
Rhoda Grossman Draws
Publisher and General Manager,
Course Technology PTR:
Stacy L. Hiquet
Associate Director of Marketing:
Sarah Panella
Manager of Editorial Services:
Heather Talbot
Acquisitions Editor:
Megan Belanger
Marketing Manager:
Jordan Castellani
Marketing Development Manager:
Michelle Arcadipane
Project/Copy Editor:
Kezia Endsley
Technical Reviewer:
Barbara Pollack
Interior Layout:
Shawn Morningstar
Cover Designer:
Mike Tanamachi
Kelly Talbot Editing Services
Kelly Talbot Editing Services
© 2012 Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the
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as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States
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Corel and Painter are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the United
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2011926542
ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-5988-5
ISBN-10: 1-4354-5988-1
Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning
20 Channel Center Street
Boston, MA 02210
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For my friends and colleagues at the
Industrial Center Building in Sausalito,
where I hang one of my many hats.
I’m grateful to publisher Stacy Hiquet and everyone at Cengage
Learning who made this third edition possible. I want to thank Michelle
Arcadipane, Marketing Development Manager and Acquisitions Editor.
Thanks to Kezia Endsley, my project and copy editor, for her patience
and vigilance. A big hug for Barbara Pollak, who earned her day at
the spa for a great technical review. Shawn Morningstar did her usual
fantastic layout design. An apology to proofreader Kelly Talbot, because
I made so few misteaks (sic). A very special thank you goes to Stewart
McKissick, for demonstrating his airbrush cartooning techniques in
Lesson 10.
Thanks to all who donated their photos and likenesses to provide source
images for the projects: my friends, colleagues, family, and the Pakistani
man with the nice smile at the Farmers’ Market.
Special thanks go to Jim McCartney and Doug Little at Wacom
Technologies, for continuing to raise the bar for pressure-sensitive
graphics tablets and for sending me a new tablet every couple of years
even though the old ones never break. Intuos4 rules! Finally, I am very
grateful to Steve Szoczei at Corel Corporation—kudos to the entire Painter
development team for the awesome new features and refinements in
Painter 12.
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