Biz table of contents.txt

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Credit - The Credit Secrets Bible, with this and I got 75k overnight in new credit

RichCharles - Poor Charlies Almanac, Charles Munger is Warren Buffets Right hand Man

FICO Score Effects is a Regression analysis done on memebers of the scores.  

2kshekels - Ramit's Earn $1k on the side 2.0

EP SMW - Eben Pagan Self Made Wealth.  If money has any degree of emotional control over you go through this program.  This is a learned behavior and you need to unlearn it.  

ShinyJewRock - Gold Rush Formula, how to buy real gold and silver and avoid the 30% markup/down on the transfer.  

MD TEG - Mike Dillards the elevation group, Newly Rich Marketer gets marketed to hard and loses a lot of money.  Buys life insurance, guns, 100x+ Returns Forex Trade system, Gold +Silver and storage just before the metals crash, and a few more things. 

Options as Strategic Investments, Lawrence G Macmillan - basically the bible of Options trading.  

Spirit Animal - Tim Ferriss' the 4 hour Life Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise - An interesting cast of characters share their highly leveraged secrets to an array of subjects, while Tim discusses Learning How to Learn and his own version of Meta Learning.  One successful business launch, you can buy the product in whole foods today.  A lot on working for  inspiration and product creation.  How to earn your success, through thought and practice.  

RSFF - Ramit Sethi's Finisher's Formula, Get Shit Done

TripleMaximumWageSlave- Ramit Sethi's Find Your Dream Job - his 20k Flagship program on finding and securing your dream job through the Dark Market.

JK PMBA- Josh Kaufman's Personal MBA Video Course a solid intro to business.

SinsofthePooInLoo - Ramit's Instant Network Course 

PinchaPooRacingOnDesignatedStreets - Money and Business Essentials by Ramit Sethi

Getting Things Done- by David Allen, I don't follow the system 100% but it completely reorganized my brain around what productivity is.  
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