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Chip Errata
DSP56004 Digital Signal Processor
Mask: D43G
Errata Description
1. In EMI, SRAM Absolute addressing mode, when the number of memory wait
states is greater than zero (ESTM3-ESTM0 > 0), EINR=1 and ERTS=0, and when
triggering a new read memory access while a read access is currently being exe-
cuted (i.e. the pipeline feature is being used), the current access might produce a
wrong address, and thus reads a wrong data.
Workaround: Do not use the pipeline feature in the above conditions. A new trig-
ger should be given after completion of the previous access.
to Mask
Motorola, Digital Signal Processing Division
6501 William Cannon Drive West, Austin, Texas 78735-8598
pg. 1 /stl/3-13-95
1995, Motorola
Chip Errata
DSP56004 Digital Signal Processor
Mask: D43G
1. An over-bar (i.e. xxxx) indicates an active-low signal.
2. The letters seen to the right of the errata tell which DSP56004 mask numbers apply.
3. Manuals and data sheets may also have errata that is documented on the appropriate errata sheet as
DSP56004 Errata
1995, Motorola
pg. 2 /stl/3-13-95
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