Waiting Around to Die (2018).pdf

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Waiting Around to Die
A System Neutral Horror One-Shot
Scourge Books
Waiting Around To Die
A System Neutral Horror One-Shot
For Jesus and Jib
words and art by Scourge
edited by Sansqueep
Scourge Books 2018. All Rights Reserved
his and run it written purelywish.“one-shot” set in 1979. their characters the
piece was
as a
Hack it to pieces,
convert it,
however you
Have your players roll
same way your chosen system dictates, then exchange their weapons out for what is
provided in the Equipment section. Figure the armor out yourselves. Basic supplies
are seen as a given, and do not require any major leaps to obtain. However, rare items
would be next to impossible to find. Use your best judgment, and when in doubt have
them roll a “die of luck.”
Why 1979?
There is no easy answer to that but, to put it simply, when I think of
horror as a concept I think of this era. What sticks out to me the most are the events
that took place in the United States during this time. Fresh off of the Summer of Love,
America took a sharp turn away from the harmony preached during the ‘60s and
brought its equal and opposite reaction.
The New York blackout of ‘77. The Three-Mile Island incident. Nixon and the
Watergate scandal. The assassination attempts on President Ford. The oil crisis in ‘73.
The Vietnam War didn’t end until ‘75. War was raging all across the world.
David “Son of Sam” Berkowitz. Ted Bundy. The Zodiac Killer, who is still yet to be
identified. John Wayne Gayce. Charles Manson and his “Family.” Rev. Jim Jones and
his infamous Kool-Aid recipe.
Movies began to capture blood and gore in ways never imagined. A masked killer
revved a chainsaw and chased teenagers across hundreds of drive-in screens. Another
stalked people with a knife on Halloween. A crew traveling through space met its end
after an alien burst from one of their chests. An endless horde of zombies crawled
from the minds of several directors. Heavy metal spread like wildfire, every country
singer worth their oats was called an outlaw, and disco attempted to destroy the entire
I prefer to run games with a solid soundtrack if possible. Do your research and sift
through the countless albums that made their mark during this decade.
A few artists
I recommend listening to while playing
are Townes Van Zandt, Black Sabbath,
Motörhead, Black Widow, Sir Lord Baltimore, and Dust.
Some movies I recommend
watching before running this scenario include
Near Dark, Wes Craven’s Vampires,
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Easy Rider, The Hills Have Eyes, Deliverance, The Devil’s
Rejects, Duel, and Badlands.
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