Core Rules Errata 1.1.pdf

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This document collects amendments to the rules. Amended text
within this errata is highlighted in
As it’s revised regularly,
this document has a version number; where a version number
has a letter, e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local amendment,
only in that language, to clarify a translation issue or other minor
correction. When this document is revised, the version number will
be incremented and new updates can be identified by the presence
of an asterisk (*) before the page reference.
Shadow Operations: Octarius War Mission Pack (Kill Team: Octarius)
Page 93, Mission 3.3 Breach Defences, Spec Ops Campaign,
Tac Ops Bonus
Change to read:
‘If you scored
3 or more victory points from Security or Infiltration
Tac Ops during this battle,
you gain 1 additional Requisition point.’
Page 70, Line of Sight, Cover
Change the second bullet point to read:
‘The intended target is within
of a point at which a Cover line
crosses another operative’s base
(unless that other operative is not
itself in the active operative’s LoS),
or a terrain feature that provides
Cover (see page 72).’
Page 72, Terrain Traits
Add the following trait:
This trait can be applied to terrain features more than
2 tall. Each time an operative climbs this terrain feature, the final
incremental distance of less than
is ignored, instead of being
rounded up to .’
Page 75, Drop
Change the first paragraph to read:
‘A drop is when an operative descends from height without climbing.
The operative must be within
of the edge of the terrain feature
it will drop from, and the intended location must be vertically within
3 of the level it occupies.
The operative can drop from that terrain
feature counting the vertical distance it travels towards the total
distance it moves. The vertical distance is measured in increments of
, rounding down. Note that a total vertical distance of less than
is therefore ignored. An operative can perform a
during a drop in order to reach its intended destination.’
*Page 142, Blast X
Change this special rule to read:
‘Each time a friendly operative performs a
action and selects
this weapon (or, in the case of profiles, this weapon’s profile), after
making the shooting attack against the target, make a shooting
attack with this weapon (using the same profile) against each
other operative
Visible to and
within X of the original target
each of them is a valid target and cannot be in Cover. X is the
distance after the weapon’s Blast, e.g. Blast
. An operative
cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an
Kill Team: Core Rules Errata 1.1
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