
(1 KB) Pobierz
1 Introduction  IMPORTANT 
2 Prerequisites
3 How to post code correctly in the Forum
4 Kitties Project Intro
5 Dapp Intro
6 Cryptokitties Introduction
7 Creating Base Cat
8 Assignment в Create your own cat
9 Our DNA в Introduction
10 Assignment в Template and Color
11 Color Assignment Solution
12 Cattributes Introduction
13 Assignment в Cattributes
14 How to Create CSS Animations  Assignment
15 CSS Animations Assignment Solution
16 Cleanup  Buttons Assignment
17 Final Look
18 ERC721 Intro  Assignment
19 ERC721 Help
20 Token Code  Migration Walkthrough
21 Create Kitty Function
22 Solution  New Get Kitty Assignment
23 GetKitty Solution
24 Metamask  Web3 Setup
25 Web3js Start Coding
26 Web3 CreateKitty Solution  Event Assignment
27 Event Assignment Solution
28 ERC721 Fulfillment Introduction
29 ERC721 Fulfillment в Approval
30 ERC721 Fulfillment в Approval Solution
31 Assignment в ERC721 Fulfillment transferFrom
32 ERC721 Fulfillment в transferFrom Assignment solution
33 SafeTransfer Explained
34 Assignment в Safetransfer Implementation
35 SafeTransferFrom Assignment Solution
36 ERC165 Implementation
37 Breeding Introduction
38 DNA Mixing  Assignment
39 DNA Mixing Assignment Solution
40 Assignment в Breeding Frontend
41 Breeding Frontend Solution
42 Advanced DNA Mixing Introduction
43 Advanced DNA Coding
44 Marketplace Introduction
45 Assignment в Marketplace Contract Coding
46 Marketplace Contract Coding Solution
47 Assignment в Marketplace Frontend
48 Marketplace Frontend Solution
49 Time to upload your Certificate on LinkedIn
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