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Lekcja 1,2,3

BBC English 2000


We've been talking about 'catwalk' - which has nothing to do with cats, and everything to do with extremely famous and highly paid supermodels. The kind of people who won't get out of bed for less than ten thousand dollars a day! Supermodels walk along the catwalk and parade designer clothes.

Designers used to earn most of their money from making individual clothes for rich people - haute couture. Nowadays they earn much more from ready-to-wear clothes and by selling designer perfumes and designer cosmetics and lots of other things with their name on.



fashion               moda

catwalk               wybieg

to display               prezentować, wystawiać

highly paid               wysoko opłacane

to get out of bed               wstać z łóżka

to parade               prezentować

designer clothes               kolekcje słynnych projektantów

designer               projektant mody

ready-to-wear               ubrania gotowe, masowo produkowane, konfekcja


Lekcja 038 HOW TO GET A JOB

We've been talking about going for an interview. And this was our advice: show your employer that you're reliable, hardworking, honest and punctual.

Prepare your curriculum vitae, ask for references, research the job.

You'll also need certain skills: communication and interpersonal skills and some basic computer skills, too. And finally: be enthusiastic, make a good impression, and - remember to leave a sweet smell behind you!



job               praca

interview               rozmowa kwalifikacyjna

advice               rada

reliable               solidny

hardworking               pracowity

honest               uczciwy

punctual               punktualny

good-looking               przystojny, atrakcyjna

qualifications               kwalifikacje

experience               doświadczenie

curriculum vitae               (CV) życiorys

references               referencje

research the job               dowiedzieć się, na czym polega praca

skills               umiejętności

communication skills               umiejętność łatwego komunikowania się

interpersonal skills               łatwość w nawiązywaniu kontaktów

basic computer skills               podstawowe umiejętności komputerowe

to make a good impression               zrobić dobre wrażenie

to leave a sweet smell behind               zostawić po sobie miły zapach



When you apply for a job, it can take a long time to get an answer, because shortlisting candidates takes a long time. But now, there are a number of recruitment agencies, whose job is to sift through all the applications, so that companies are not deluged with CVs.

It works like this: the agency selects 5 or 6 suitable applicants from CVs sent electronically, then it shows them a corporate video, so that the candidates can learn something about the company. Then the candidates are interviewed on film, which is later sent to the client company, and can be rewound any time. Very clever, don't you think?



recruiting (recruitment)               nabór do pracy, rekrutacja pracowników

to apply for a job               złożyć podanie o pracę

shortlisting               przygotowanie ostatecznej listy wybranych kandydatów

candidates               kandydaci

recruitment agencies               biura pośrednictwa pracy

to sift through               przesiewać, selekcjonować

applications               podania

to be deluged               być zalanym

applicants               kandydaci, osoby składające podania

corporate video               wideo o przedsiębiorstwie

to be interviewed               być na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej

client company               firma jako klient (innej firmy)

to rewind               przewinąć (taśmę)


Lekcja 040 JOB MARKET

We've been talking about the end of the jobs-for-life system. In the past employees of large corporations used to be sure that they'd be with the same company for most of their working lives. They had jobs for life. They had job security.

Nowadays there is a lot of insecurity. Workers are afraid of redundancies. However, in many countries, companies which make staff redundant, have to pay them compensation. The employees who lose their jobs get redundancy payments.



job market               rynek pracy

job for life               stałe zatrudnienie, aż do emerytury

employee               pracownik

corporation               przedsiębiorstwo, zakład

security               poczucie bezpieczeństwa

to feel secure               czuć się bezpiecznym

job security               gwarancja stałego zatrudnienia

insecurity               brak poczucia bezpieczeństwa

redundancy               zwalnianie z pracy na skutek redukcji etatów

to make sb redundant               zwolnić kogoś z pracy na skutek redukcji etatów

to be made redundant               być zwolnionym z pracy na skutek redukcji etatów

staff               pracownicy, personel

compensation               rekompensata, odszkodowanie

redundancy payment               odszkodowanie za zwolnienie z pracy na skutek redukcji etatów, odprawa



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