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Lekcja 1,2,3

BBC English 2000

Lekcja 077 - THEORY X OR THEORY Y?

Which is better - Theory X or Theory Y? Without hesitation most people say - Theory Y. Why? - because it gives them responsibility, initiative and freedom to do their work. It gives them job satisfaction. It empowers them - it gives them the power to make decisions. And they don't like theory X - oh, no! Because it assumes that they're inherently lazy and need to be controlled all the time. However, if you ask the same people which leaders they most admire - you'll get a list of classic Theory X managers!

So, has business become kinder and gentler to employees? Or has the management become cleverer? After all, you could argue that Theory Y is not essentially any more concerned with the happiness of workers than Theory X. In fact, just like Theory X, Theory Y aims to get employees to work in the way that makes most money for the company.



without hesitation               bez wahania

initiative               inicjatywa

job satisfaction               zadowolenie z pracy

to empower               dać możność podejmowania decyzji

inherently lazy               leniwy z natury

to admire               podziwiać

essentially               zasadniczo

to be concerned               przejmować się



We're talking about branchless banks - banks without branches, which are all the rage at the moment. Many bank branches are being closed down, because telephone banking is taking over. Everybody thinks it's wonderful, except for bank employees who are losing their jobs. Well, some of them might have a future as telephonists or computer operators, but some of them will be made redundant.

Two thirds of bank transactions can be done on the phone or through the computer. Everybody thinks it's wonderful, except for bank employees who are losing their jobs and being made redundant. But you don't have to worry - if you want to bank through the Internet, and you haven't got computer at home - the banks are setting up touch-screen terminals in public places. Even in the supermarkets.



branchless banks               banki, które nie mają oddziałów otwartych dla klientów

branches               filie, oddziały

rage               szał, moda

to make redundant               zwolnić z pracy na skutek redukcji etatów

bank transactions               transakcje bankowe

to set up               zakładać

touch-screen terminal               komputer z ekranem dotykowym


Lekcja 079 - MARKETING

Manufacturers allow people to market their products in shops if they pay a lot of money. This right to sell is called franchising.

To attract our attention, many manufacturers or retail outlets send us information about their product by mail. This unwanted, or unsolicited mail is called junk mail. It's a form of advertising, of course.

Junk mail has become big business for special marketing companies who sell lists of addresses of prospective customers to manufacturers. They say the general rule is that for every 100 letters sent as junk mail, one of them will result in a customer.



marketing               wprowadzanie na rynek za pomocą reklamy, marketing

manufacturers               wytwórcy

franchise               koncesja

retail outlets               placówki handlu detalicznego

unsolicited               niezamawiany, nieproszony

junk mail               niezamawiane ulotki, broszury,
reklamy przysyłane pocztą

prospective               potencjalny, przyszły



Because of death, divorce or separation many children live with only one of their parents. They belong to a one-parent family.

Things have certainly changed. In the past, the mother looked after the children and the father worked. He was the breadwinner.

When couples stay together they bring up the children together. It also means that there are often two breadwinners.

Who does the housework? The husband and the wife. They share the workload. Who looks after young children while the parents are at work?

A nanny? A child minder? An au pair? A baby-sitter?

They go to a creche or a nursery.

We've been talking about one-parent families and have seen how some children are brought up by a lone parent. In the case of married couples there may be two breadwinners, which means couples have to share the workload at home in the evening and employ a child minder during the day.



death               śmierć

divorce               rozwód

separation               separacja

one-parent family               rodzina niepełna

breadwinner               osoba zarabiająca na życie,
główny żywiciel rodziny

couples               pary

to bring up               wychowywać

housework               praca w domu

workload               praca, obowiązki

nanny               niańka

child minder               opiekunka do dzieci

baby-sitter               osoba do popilnowania dzieci

creche               żłobek

nursery               przedszkole

lone parent               samotna matka lub ojciec

married couples               pary małżeńskie

to employ               zatrudniać



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