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Lekcja 1,2,3

BBC English 2000

Lekcja 085 - BODY PIERCING

We're talking about body piercing. Women have pierced their ears for ages, but now people are piercing their whole bodies... well, almost. Women and men pierce their ears, eyebrows, noses, tongues, lips, navels and other...sensitive parts of their bodies.

Cowboy piercers are inexperienced and untrained. They can injure your muscles. They don't monitor standards of hygiene. And they probably rip you off!

It's a rebellion against the older generation, the old fogies like me and you.



body piercing               kolczykowanie ciała

to pierce               przekłuwać

eyebrows               brwi

navels               pępki

sensitive parts               czułe miejsca

cowboy piercers               tu: fuszerzy, partacze

inexperienced               niedoświadczony

untrained               nieprzeszkolony

to injure               zranić, skaleczyć

to monitor               nadzorować, kontrolować

older generation               starsze pokolenie

old fogies               'starzy'


Lekcja 086 - PHEROMONES

Today we've been talking about pheromones, chemical substances released by the body, which attract the opposite sex. Synthetic versions are now being added to aftershave. We've learned that women are attracted by these chemicals, detected on a sub-conscious level through the nose. However, humans rely heavily on sight and men can find a nice pair of legs, sorry - shoes, apparently - just as attractive.

It's all about money. Listen to this...scientists have taken pheromones from females...and put them in bottles... and then sold them... to women! They made a million dollars!



pheromones               feromony

to attract               przyciągać

aftershave               woda po goleniu

sub-conscious               podświadomy

to rely               polegać

sight               wzrok

female               kobieta, płeć żeńska


Lekcja 087 - FALLING IN LOVE

They pinned advertisements around Pisa medical school seeking students who have fallen in love, who thought about their loved ones for at least four hours every day, but who had yet to have sexual relations. Surprisingly, they found some - 17 women and 3 men!

They measured the levels of serotonin in the lovestruck students' bloodstream and found them about 40 per cent below normal - about the same as they are in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Scientists think that there may be an evolutionary reason why lovers should lose their heads. Obsessive love creates an unrealistic mental image of the beloved. According to the theory, this ensures that interest is maintained long enough to produce offspring.

Tested a year later, the students' serotonin level were back to normal.



to fall in love               zakochać się

to pin               przypinać, przyczepiać

advertisements               ogłoszenia

to seek               szukać

the loved ones               osoby ukochane

sexual relations               stosunki płciowe

to measure               mierzyć

serotonin               serotonina

lovestruck               zakochany (po uszy)

bloodstream               układ naczyniowy, tu: krew

obsessive-compulsive disorder               zachowanie obsesyjno-maniakalne

evolutionary               ewolucyjny

to lose your head               stracić głowę

to maintain interest               utrzymywać zainteresowanie

offspring               potomek, potomstwo



Today we've been talking about electronic dating. About gizmos into which you input data about your perfect partner - their age, interests, education and profession. You also say what kind of relationship you are looking for - short-term, long-term, or just for the evening. Or maybe a one night stand, who knows? Then you go out and hope that you'll meet someone who's got a gizmo like you and has got the qualities you're looking for. If they have, then the gizmo vibrates to tell you it's found your ideal partner.



electronic dating               elektroniczne romanse

gizmo               aparacik

to input data               zaprogramować dane

relationship               związek, romans

short-term               (o związku) krótki

long-term               długi, na długie lata

one night stand               znajomość na jedną noc



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