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Treść lekcji:

LEMMY              LEMMY You see, I've been running my own little business up in the north of England for quite a few years. And when I got Gary's call - I thought now's my chance to show London what it's been missing! The top 'ollywood movies on video before they reach the cinema. The world's favourite rock acts on CD, music cassette and mini disc. And... and... all the software your computer needs on just two little floppy discs. I can see you want to know my prices, don't you?

GINA              Well, actually, I don't think I do.

LEMMY              My prices, on average, are 50% below your normal High Street shop. You think about it, love. You'll be back.

SYLVIA              So, what did you find out about our friend, Lemmy?

GINA              Lemmy! Oh, that stall's just full of pirated CDs, pirated tapes,
videos, computer software, you know, that sort of thing - he's not selling any fruit and vegetables at all.

SYLVIA              Oh well, I'm not complaining. Life's not exactly peaceful with him around, but it's certainly got a lot more profitable. Do you know what I mean?

GINA              I can imagine.

SYLVIA              Now, what can I get for you?

GINA              Um... are those pomegranates?

SYLVIA              That's right, they are. Exotic fruit is one of my new lines.

GINA              Good idea. I'll have a couple of pomegranates and one of those yellow things...

JONATHAN              Sorry I'm late, have you been waiting long?

ANNE              Ehm, oh, well, about 20 minutes I s'pose.

JONATHAN              JONATHAN I'm sorry!

ANNE              Well, not to worry. I've been - you know - reading the paper,
watching people go by…which…. You know, I s'pose it's OK.

JONATHAN              I left as soon as I could, but it's just that those trains are so



when I got Gary's call              kiedy Gary do mnie zadzwonił

what it's been missing              czego mu brakuje, czego mu potrzeba

top movies              najlepsze, najpopularniejsze filmy

to reach              docierać, osiągać

before they reach the cinema              zanim wejdą na ekrany kin

rock acts              występy rockowe

CD (skrót od: compact disc)              płyta kompaktowa

software              oprogramowanie, software

floppy disc              dyskietka

on average              średnio

High Street shop              duży sklep na jednej z głównych ulic miasta

to find out (found, found)              dowiedzieć się

pirated CDs, tapes, videos...              pirackie, nielegalne kopie płyt kompaktowych, kaset, taśm video, itd.

to complain              narzekać, ubolewać

peaceful              spokojny

profitable              dochodowy, przynoszący zyski

exotic fruit              owoce południowe

new lines...              nowe gatunki sprzedawanego towaru, nowa specjalność

not to worry              nic nie szkodzi, nic się nie martw

to watch people go by              przyglądać się przechodzącym ludziom

dreadful              straszny, okropny


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