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Treść lekcji:

GARY              All right, Dave?

DAVE              Hello, Gary. Something wrong. is theie?

GARY              What do you mean?

DAVE              0i, Gina!

GINA              Hi. guys!

DAVE              Come over here. Now, there's something different about Gary, isn't there?

GINA              I see what you mean.

GARY              Yeah, well it's just...

DAVE              Hang on a minute, mate. We'll get it.

GINA              Hey, I know what It is. it's his hair!

DAVE              Oh, very nice. Gary. I like that.

GINA              Oh yes, so do I. Oh, Gary, you've had your ear pierced! Ooh, I don't know aboust that.

GARY               Listen, you two, in Florida...

DAVE              Gaz, mate, what have you done to yourself?

GARY               All right, Sylvia?

SYLVIA               Oh, hi, Gary. I see you've changed your image

GARY               Yeah. Enough said. Business All right, is it?

SYLVIA              Well, can't complain, you know...

GARY              Hang on a minute. What are those things?

SYLVIA               Oh, that's one of my new lines. Exotlc fruits. They're pomegranates, they are.

GARY               Yeah. I know what they are. What I want to know is why you're selling them.

SYLVIA               Like I said, lt's my new line. I think they'11 be very popular.

GARY              Hmph, So do l. So do I... And what does my cousin Lemmy say about you muscling in on the exotic fruit business.

SYLVIA               Muscling in, eh? Well, you can ask him yourself. That's his van now, isn't it?

GARY               Lemmy, my man. How's my business?

LEMMY               Ey oop. Gary. Look, I got to dash. Everthing's terrific, though. I'll call you, I promise.

GARY               What? What is going on round here?

SYLVIA               Well. there's one easy way to find out.

GARY              On yeah? Whats that?

SYLVIA               Go and ask one of the police officers by your stall.

GARY               You what?

SUSAN              Oh, this place looks All right. Lets have a look at the menu - it's quite expensive, though.

DAVID              Oh, there're snails, I like snails.

SUSAN               Yeah, so do I. I mean, like the sauce that they come in, rather than the snails themselves.

DAVID               Yeah, me too, I like that, yeah. And what've they got? They've got steak.

SUSAN               I don't like duck, though, very much.

DAV1D              No, nor do I

SUSAN               I don't like crab. ... quite expensive though, isn't it?...

DAV1D               ...but some of the other fish looks good.

SUSAN               Yeah?

DAVID              Yeah, I like tuna.

SUSAN               Yeah - shall we go In here then ?

DAV1D              Yeah. let's!

SUSAN              I'd iike to go in here, would you?


something wrong, is there?               czy coś się stało? coś nie tak?

what do you mean               o co ci chodzi? co masz na myśli?

hang on a minute               zaraz. chwileczkę, (poczekaj) moment

mate               (kol) kolega, kumpel (popularne między kolegami zwłaszcza na powitanie lub pożegnanie np "Y2., mate", "See ya, mate")

we'll get it               tu zaraz się dowiemy, zaraz się okaże

I don't know about that               tu sposób wyrażenia dezaprobaty (Gine nie za bardzo podoba się ten kolczyk w uchu Gary'ego)

so do I               i ja też (kiedy zgadzamy się z opinią wyrażoną zdaniem twierdzącym)

nor do I               ani ja, ja też nie (kiedy zgadzamy się z opinią wyrażoną zdaniem przeczącym)

image               obraz, wizerunek, wyobrażenie

you've changed your image              zmieniłeś wygląd, wyglądasz inaczej

enough I said               dosyć, wystarczy (tego gadania)

to muscle in               wpychać się na silę, bezpardonowo

I've got to dash               muszę lecieć (spieszy mi się)

everything's terrific               tu wszystko jest w jak na]lepszym porządku

what is going on around here?               co się tu dzieje?

let's have a look               spójrzmy, zobaczmy, obejrzyjmy

snail               ślimak

steak               stek

duck               kaczka

crab               krab

tuna               tuńczyk


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