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GINA              Sure... sure... Yeah... That's terrific.

GINA              Come on in! No. no... Listen... I'm sure we can go ahead on that basis. I don't see a problem.

GARY              All right, Gina?

GINA              Just a minute. Can I call you back?... Gary Smart.

GARY              Can I have a quick word?

GINA              No, I think you've wasted enough of my time already.

GARY              I promise, you're going to like what I've got to say.

GINA               Promise? Huh.

GARY              Have a look at that. Interesting, eh? That is a photo of our friend Kaz Janson in a local newspaper from Birmingham.

GINA               So?

GARY              That is a photo of Mr Janson with a policeman in Manchester. And there he is outside a courtroom in Liverpool.

GINA              I'm mildly interested.

GARY               You see, Gina, Mr Kaz Janson is not just a businessman. You might say, he's not even a businessman. No. Mr Janson's main talents are in the fields of bribery, corruption and fraud.

GINA              What?

GARY               Yeah - not the kind of person we - or the local council - want running a major supermarket in the area, wouldn't you say?

GINA               How did you find out about this?

GARY               You remember my cousin Lemmy?

GINA              Oh, nobody forgets your cousin Lemmy.

GARY               Well, I managed to get hold of him on the phone. Asked him to make a few enquiries. Know what I mean?

GINA              I don't know what to believe, Gary. Bribery, corruption and fraud. Can you prove any of this?

GARY               A little bit of reading for you. There should be enough in there to make sure that nobody wants Kaz Janson running any kind of business round here. Plenty for a good journalist like you to get her teeth into. You're not just a pretty face. Gina.

GINA               Yes. And you 're not even a pretty face, Gary Smart. Now, get out of my office.

GARY               Oh, don't be like that...

HAMISH               E-mail is absolutely marvellous. It's not just a way of sending a message from one person to another person, it's a way of communicating with hundreds of people!

SUE              Yes. It's wonderful, isn't it? It's a way of talking to people all over the world - yeah, great.



go ahead               rozpoczynać, przystępować do zrobienia czegoś

on that basis               na tej podstawie

can I have a quick word?               czy mogę szybko zamienić parę słów?

to promise               obiecywać

courtroom               sala rozpraw; tu:: budynek sądu

mildly               tu: średnio, w miarę, umiarkowanie

main talents               główne talenty

bribery               łapownictwo, przekupstwo

corruption               korupcja

fraud               oszustwo

area               rejon, obszar

to forget (forgot, forgotten)               zapominać

to get hold of sb               złapać kogoś, skontaktować się z kimś

to make enouiries               dowiadywać się, pytać (się)

to prove               udowodnić

a little bit of reading for you               coś do poczytania dla ciebie

plenty               mnóstwo, wystarczająco dużo

to get your teeth into sth               wgryźć się w coś, dokładnie się z czymś zapoznać

you're not just a pretty face               masz głowę na karku, bystra z ciebie dziewczyna

get out               wynoś się

message               wiadomość

all over the worid               na całym świecie


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