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GINA              Well, I was walking home from the office the other evening, when I saw Gary, coming out of that new Italian restaurant.

SYLVIA              He was probably making a delivery.

GINA              No. no, he'd obviously been eating there.

SYLVIA              How do you know?

GINA              He was all dressed up...

SYLVIA              No.

GINA              Yes.... and, this is the best bit, he had his arm round a woman.

SYLVIA              Really? What was she like?

GINA              Much too good for him.

SYLVIA              Well. that goes without saying.

GINA              No, she was really quite glamorous. You know...

GINA              Well, I was walking home from the office the other evening, when I saw Gary, coming out of that new Italian restaurant.

SYLVIA              He was probably making a delivery.

GINA              No. no, he'd obviously been eating there.

SYLVIA              How do you know?

GINA              He was all dressed up...

SYLVIA              No.

GINA              Yes.... and, this is the best bit, he had his arm round a woman.

SYLVIA              Really? What was she like?

GINA              Much too good for him.

SYLVIA              Well. that goes without saying.

GINA              No, she was really quite glamorous. You know...

SYLVIA              Hang on a minute, Gina. Look. I think I'm going to get the chance to find out for myself.

GINA               What?

GARY              All right, girls? Glad to see you 're working hard. Now. I'd like you to meet Victoria.

VICTORIA               Hi.

GARY               ... this is Sylvia

SYLVIA               Hello.

GARY              ... and Gina

GINA               Nice to meet you.

VICTORIA              So, what's it like working for Gary?

SYLVIA              I beg your pardon?

GARY               I was just taking Vicki on a tour of my little business empire, wasn't I, Vic?

VICTORIA              I had no idea Gary had so many business interests... all these market stalls, a nightclub and an investment company.

GARY              Not to mention the offshore interests, of course.

SYLVIA              Just a minute...

GARY              Anyway, we mustn't stop you working. We've got to keep our eye on the bottom line, eh, girls?

SYLVIA               Now, just a minute...

GARY               Now, Vic, let me show you some of my other stalls.

SYLVIA              My other stalls! What a cheek! He'd told her that I worked for him! Can you believe it?

GINA               In his little business empire!... Gary Smart!

SYLVIA              Oooh, that girl's going to have a nasty surprise when she finds out the truth. A very nasty surprise.

MAN              We all met up at ten o 'clock in the morning. 'Fifteen men, yeah... and one coach, yeah.

SUE              Where did you come from?

MAN               We've come from the center of London. We drove for an hour. Just short of Lingfield. Stopped and had a nice lunch. Local pub just down the road. you know.

SUE               And then what? You got here and what happened?

MAN              We got here and what happened? Well.. the majority of the guys here had winners today so er. Yeah they had a good day and we should celebrate tonight, we- should go back to a pub, have an evening meal and then go on from there....


the other evening               któregoś wieczora

to make a delivery               dostarczać, doręczać, roznosić

dressed up               elegancko, odświętnie ubrany

he had his arm around a woman               obejmował jakąś kobietę

that goes without saying               to się samo przez się rozumie, to oczywiste

glamorous               niezwykle atrakcyjna, piękna

I'd like you to meet               formułka, której używamy przedstawiając komuś nieznaną osobę ( chciałbym was zapoznać z...)

nice to meet you               miło mi Pana/Panią poznać

to take sb on a tour               oprowadzać kogoś, zabrać na zwiedzanie

empire               imperium

nightclub               klub nocny

investment company               społka/towarzystwo inwestycyjne

offshore interests               zagraniczne interesy

we've got to keep our eye on the bottom line               tu: musimy pilnować interesu

what a cheek!               co za bezczelność! co za tupet!

to have a nasty surprise               mieć przykrą niespodziankę

coach               autokar

drive (drove, driven)               prowadzić samochód

just short of Lingfield               tuż przed/nie dojeżdżając do Lingfield

majority               większość

guys               faceci, chłopcy

they had winners               tu: obstawili konie, które wygrały

celebrate               (uroczyście) obchodzić, świętować, uczcić

evening meal               kolacja



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