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BBC English

Lekcja 112,113,114

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VICTORIA              Ooh, Herman, you're right. Mmm. That is so relaxing.

HERMAN              Yeah. Now, if you let me massage your shoulders, just here.  

VICTORIA              Ooh, that's nice... Aaah... Oh, my God. Herman, look! It's Gary.

HERMAN              Hey, who's that official-looking lady with him?  

VICTORIA              Sorry, sorry, I can't let him see me. Where can I hide?  

HERMAN              Uh... under the stall.  

VICTORIA              But Titus is asleep under there.  

HERMAN              Or just stay around and say 'Hi' to Gary.  

VICTORIA              Ooh, there's no way I'm doing that. I'll risk it with Titus. Good boy, Titus,  

TITUS              Grrr.  

VICTORIA              Good boy.  

WONG              Excuse me. Are you the proprietor of Herman's Health Emporium?

HERMAN              Yeah, greetings. I am Herman. The Emperor of the Emporium!  

WONG              Yes. And I am Inspector Wong from the Bryant Street Market Authority. I'm afraid I've had a complaint from Mr Smart here...  

GARY              All right, Herman?  

WONG              It seems that you are keeping a dangerous dog at this stall.

HERMAN              Uh-uh. No dangerous dogs at this stall. Just love, peace and understanding.  

WONG              But you do have a dog.  

HERMAN              Sure. He's asleep. He's always asleep. He's that kind of a dog.

WONG              Well, perhaps, we could have a look at him.  

GARY              Careful, now, Inspector. He's a real beast.  

HERMAN              Titus! Come on! Wake up, boy! Titus? I'm gonna have to pull him out, yeah. Come on boy. Come on. He's always like this, a real sleepy head, aren't you boy?  

TITUS              Zzzz.  

GARY              He's probably given him drugs or something  

HERMAN              You see? Go on, stroke him. You wouldn't hurt a fly, would you, Titus?  

WONG              As long as you're sure.  

TITUS              Zzzzz.  

WONG              Well, as far as I can see, there are no grounds for complaint there, Mr Smart.  

GARY              But it bit my leg. Ere, just a minute, I'll show you.  

WONG              That won't be necessary, Mr Smart. However, you and I do still have some unfinished business.  

GARY              Do we?  

WONG              Yes. According to my records, you still owe just over six months' rent for the stall.  

GARY              Oh, well. Now, I've got a bone to pick with you about that...  

VICTORIA              Pssst.... Have they gone?  

HERMAN              Oh, sure, sure. Phew. What happened to Titus? I thought he'd bite her hand off.  

VICTORIA              Well, while you were talking, I let him sniff one of your relaxation oils.  

HERMAN              Hey, that's amazing. They really do work. Oh, wow!  

SUE              So where's Matt gone then?  

TIM              He's gone to Rome..er.  

SUE              Is that a business trip?  

TIM              It's a business trip, yeah. He went over at the end of last week and he did say he'd call when he got back but I haven't heard...I did wonder actually if anything had gone wrong, but....

SUE              Have you got a contact telephone number?  

TIM              I have. I phoned the office and they say he's staying for a few more days, so I'm hoping he'll phone when he returns.


to massage               masować  

shoulder               ramię  

official-looking lady               kobieta o oficjalnym wyglądzie  

to hide (hid, hidden)               ukryć się, schować  

to be asleep               spać  

stay around               tu: zostań  

to risk               ryzykować  

proprietor               właściciel  

greetings               pozdrowienia, życzenia; tu: (sposób powitania) witam!

love, peace and understanding               miłość, pokój i zrozumienie  

to have a look at sb/sth               spojrzeć, obejrzeć kogoś/coś  

beast               bestia  

to pull out               wyciągnąć  

a real sleepy head               prawdziwy śpioch  

drug               środek odurzający, narkotyk  

to stroke               głaskać  

as far as I can see               o ile się orientuję, z tego co widzę  

there are no grounds for...               nie ma podstaw do...  

unfinished business               sprawy niezałatwione/do załatwienia  

according to               według, jak wynika (z czegoś)  

record               zapis, notatka, protokół  

to owe               być winnym/dłużnym  

I've got a bone to pick with you               mam z tobą na pieńku, jest między nami kość niezgody  

to bite off               odgryźć

to sniff               wąchać  

amazing               zadziwiające, zadziwiający  

to work               tu: podziałać, poskutkować  

business trip               wyjazd służbowy  

to go wrong               tu: stać się ( w sensie: czy coś się złego stało?)  

contact telephone number               telefon, pod którym można się (z kimś) skontaktować

to return               wracać



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