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Description: ELT_DESIGN:GARY_ROSE:WIP:Focus:Word PDF template header:templateHEader.png

Name:  ________________________

Class:  ________________________


1.5 Verb patterns

1 Choose the correct verb forms.

1 They don’t let us use / to use our phones in classrooms.

2 Try restarting / to restart the computer. If that doesn’t work, call the IT department.

3 I sometimes hear my neighbour practise / practising on the piano. He’s getting better each day!

4 I don’t think either of us will ever forget having / to have this conversation.

5 We were walking around the park and then stopped looking / to look at the stars.

6 Will you remember picking / to pick me up from school today? And don’t be late!

7 Well, you can’t force her go / to go to college.

8 I spent most of my time in May revising / to revise for my final exams.



2 Correct the sentences. Write one missing word or delete one extra word in each sentence.

1 Miss Brown always encouraged us read more.


2 You don’t seem be well prepared for this exam.


3 Jane, please don’t make me to call your parents!


4 I saw her to eat the whole box of chocolates at one sitting!


5 Please remind to go to the post office – I’m worried that I will forget.


6 Many families in Indonesia can’t afford pay for their children’s education.


7 I don’t remember to saying that, are you sure it was me? ___________________________________________





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